2015: Aaron Oppenheim/Thea Farhadian/Tim Perkis
Thea Farhadian (violin/electronics) is an interdisciplinary artist and performer based in the San Francisco Bay Area and Berlin. She has been active as a free improviser since the early 90s, and began working with electronics in the late 90s. Her work has been seen internationally at venues, which include the Room Series, and Meridian Gallery in San Francisco, the Alternative Museum and Issue Project Room in New York City, Galerie Mario Mazzoli and Quiet Cue in Berlin, the Center for Experimental Art and the Aram Kachaturyan Museum in Yerevan, Armenia, and the International Women's Electro acoustic Listening Room Project in Amsterdam and Los Angeles. Thea has performed with Amy X Neuburg, Daphna Naphtali, S.F. Sound, Gerhard Uebele, Daniel Schorno, Dean Santomieri, and Klaus Kürvers. Thea has an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts from San Francisco State and an M.F.A. in Electronic Music from Mills College. She has presented her work at conferences and universities internationally and in 2009 was a lecturer in the Art Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Thea will be releasing her first solo CD, “Tectonic Shifts,” for violin and electronics this fall.
Aaron Oppenheim is an American-Canadian Canadian-American composer and improviser currently based in Oakland. He recently received a Masters’ Degree in Electronic Music from Mills College, where he studied with Pauline Oliveros, John Bischoff, Chris Brown, Roscoe Mitchell, Zeena Parkins, and Fred Frith. His recent work has focused on laptop-based improvised music and developing a performance practice for group electronic/acoustic free improvisation. His other work mostly consists of rigorously process-based electroacoustic and acoustic composition. He is a member of several bay-area improvising ensembles including Talk More, Architect/Enchantress, and the Andrew Weathers Ensemble. His pieces have been performed at The San Francisco Tape Music Festival, Mills College Signal Flow, The Berkeley Art Museum, Vancouver’s Sonic Boom festival, Concordia University EuCuE concerts, and Simon Fraser University Student Composers concerts.
Tim Perkis is an experimental musician who works with live electronic and computer sound. He has founded or played in live computer network bands such as the League of Automatic Music Composers and The Hub, as well as groups such as Rotodoti, the Natto Quartet, Fuzzybunny and All Tomorrow's Zombies. He has collaborated with John Bischoff, Chris Brown, John Butcher, Eugene Chadbourne, Fred Frith, Gianni Gebbia, Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Luc Houtkamp, Yoshi Ichiraku, Joelle Leandre, Roscoe Mitchell, Gino Robair, the ROVA Saxophone Quartet, Elliott Sharp, Leo Wadada Smith, and John Zorn.

Artist (photo by Photographer)