2013: Touch the Gear Expo
A hands-on experience of sound producing gear and instruments! Outsound’s original public event Touch the Gear is a hands-on, family-friendly event that allows the public to roam among 25-30 musicians and inventors with their various different configurations of “gear”--everything from oscillators and electronics, to planks of wood with strings attached. All attendees get to ask questions, make sound and experience how the instruments work, in an environment that demystifies technology while inspiring creativity.
Exhibitors: Amar Chaudhary, Bob Marsh, Joe Lasqo, Matt Davignon, Tom Nunn, Bill Hsu, Philip Everett, David Samas, Bryan Day, Lindsey Walker, Doug Lynner aka Synthesizerman, Dr. Martin DeVideo, Ari Lacenski, Cheryl E. Leonard, Nick Wang, Douglas Benner , Andrew Wayne “Chopstick,” Johny Radio
Gear: iPad & iPhone instruments, AirSynths, fx pedals, MAX/MSP, CD DJ and Tape Machines, inventions, processed instruments, Dendrophone, Plant Rattles, Buzz Roarer, Bowed Rocks, Magnetoselqier Tapewarp 4 Shuffleboard, Cyndustries modules, Electron P-Funk Dynamic Phase Confabulator, Modified Casio SK-5 With patch bay, 2MD Transvibrating Symphonic MultiWarble, Superpeggio! and Firefox Synth, Natural-object instruments, Analog Modular Synthesizers, Homemade Modulation/Control Boes, atari punk consoles, contact, microphones, circuit bent toys, and the Mystery Serge (a 1975 Serge Modular Synthesizer)

Artist (photo by Photographer)