2013: #MAX
Caitlin Denny: visuals
Nicole Ginelli: audio
Dmitri Svistula: programming
#MAX invokes an unspecific, yet present ritual using net-based, digital and analog technologies and the mind and body. The viewer is asked to participate in targeting and joining #HASHTAGS for humans and computers to interpret, enact, and reanalyze. Our real world net condition drives #MAX to create orbs of the daily social media landscape through audio/visual senses. The electronic gives way to a new undertaking of the physical in this participatory action. #MAX is Nicole Ginelli, #audio; Caitlin Denny, #visuals; and Dmitri Svistula, #programming. This Twitter-fed performance creates an arena for indiscriminate group genius through the hyper-fusion of electronic mediums.
Nicole Ginelli is a vocalist, electronic musician, and visual/interface designer working at the intersection of web and subculture communities. Performing solo regularly as Head/Head, she utilizes vocal experimentation, sound collage and pedal disintegration to create observational narratives. MAX continues a fascination with doomsday cyber fiction and cross media serendipity.
Caitlin Denny is a curator, performer and video artist. She founded the website JstChillin.org in 2009, an online gallery highlighting the artworks of many notable net artists across the globe. JstChillin.org was included in the Xth Lyon Biennale and Rhizome's ArtBase, a subsidiary of The New Museum. She has curated several group exhibitions and events involving new technologies and performance in San Francisco, New York, Sweden and France. Denny was a guest panelist at The Creator's Project in 2012 where she discussed the future of digital museums. She performs regularly as visualist for house and noise shows at venues like Public Works and The Lab in San Francisco. Her work with #MAX continues her fascination with occult technology rituals and analog fetishism.
Dmitri Svistula is a software developer, researcher, and sound enthusiast working in the area of interactive technology, science, and entertainment. His main focus is creating interactive visceral experiences for public spaces utilizing emerging sensing technologies and displays. Dmitri developed the software to drive the #MAX experience, dynamic digitally controlled sound composition, and reactive visualization.

Artist (photo by Photographer)