2012: Skadi Quartet
Christina Stanley: violin)
Tammie Dyer: violin
Vijay Chalisani: viola)
Crystal Pascucci: cello
Christina Stanley will present two graphic scores, both 40x40 oil and charcoal on canvas. The Skadi Quartet will perform the scores, one a string quartet, and the other a violin and cello duet.
Christina Stanley is a violinist and vocalist who holds an MFA in MusicPerformance and Literature from Mills College, where she studied violinwith David Abel and composition with Fred Frith and Roscoe Mitchell, andwon the Margaret Lyon prize for excellence in music. She also holds a BMfrom San Francisco State University where she received a full performancescholarship and studied violin with Daniel Kobialka, Jassen Toderov and theAlexander String Quartet. She is an active performing violinist, working as asolo artist as well as a member of various ensembles, including theAnagamin Ensemble. She is passionate about working with livingcomposers and composing new music.

Artist (photo by Photographer)