2012: Artist
David Douglas’ The Walls Are White With Flame
Using a sophisticated integration of custom-built delays, loopers, samplers, and other effects, David Douglas transforms a wide variety of percussive sound sources into raw audio materials, which are then used in the improvised construction of highly spatial sound sculptures. Utilizing a host of MIDI controllers that interface with a laptop running Max/Msp, he has discovered a uniquely gestural approach to working with the electronic elements of his instrument. A solo project by design, The Walls Are White With Flame is in a constant state of evolution and no two performances are ever exactly alike. Once a new identity has asserted itself into the fabric of the musical language, the project’s name (originally The Walls Are White) is amended to reflect the latest account of the overall story. David Douglas was born in Greenville, South Carolina and grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. He spent his formative years studying percussion at the University of North Texas, receiving a Bachelor of Music in Performance from that institution in 1999. From 1999 to 2009, he performed most notably as a drum set player with a wide variety of artists and bands including Mandarin, The Baptist Generals, Kelley Stoltz, John Vanderslice, Cursive, Tommy Guerrero, and Mark Eitzel. He has appeared on recordings for a wide variety of labels including Barsuk, Bella Union, 54/40 or Fight, Two-Ohm Hop, and C-level productions. Douglas received an MA in Music Composition from Mills College in May of 2011. While at Mills, he studied composition, percussion and improvisation with Fred Frith, Roscoe Mitchell, Chris Brown, Les Stuck, and William Winant.

Artist (photo by Photographer)