2012: rAmu Aki/Karl A.D. Evangelista
rAmu Aki: poetry
Karl A.D. Evangelista: guitar, electronics
Poet, performer, visual artist, small publisher & occasional raconteur, rAmu Aki has lived in the San Francisco Tenderloin (tl) neighborhood since 1997. He has read & been published in numerous places, is a celebrated performer at open mic scenes, and is the publisher of akiPro-ductionZ. He produced Urbanthology, a CD of contemporary Bay Area poets, and most recently released a collection of his latest work, tl w/ P&P (tenda’loin with pain & ‘preciation).
Karl Evangelista is part of the new wave of Bay Area creative musicians drawing on both jazz and a broad, high/low tradition of 20th century musical experimentation to craft 21st century musical space. Born in Van Nuys, California to two Filipino immigrants, Evangelista brings a timely cultural perspective to the Bay Area music community, exploring the place of multiculturalism in an increasingly post-cultural, trans-idiomatic cultural space.

Artist (photo by Photographer)