2010: Amy X Neuburg
Singer, composer and electronic instrument performer Amy X Neuburg has developed a unique career bridging the boundaries between classical, experimental and popular music. She is best known for her “avant-cabaret” performances, in which she uses a MIDI drum kit, a real-time looping machine, and an array of sounds and samples to construct meticulously crafted songs and stories one layer at a time. She has performed throughout the U.S. and abroad at venues as diverse as Other Minds, Bang on a Can, YBCA, the Berlin International Poetry Festival, and the Wellington and Christchurch jazz festivals (NZ). Chamber commissions include Robin Cox Ensemble, Present Music, Pacific Mozart Ensemble and Santa Cruz New Music Works, and she has composed extensively for theater, dance and visual media. As vocalist Amy has been featured in contemporary operas and recordings including works by Robert Ashley, Culture Clash and Guillermo Galindo. Her recent song cycle The Secret Language of Subways with The Cello ChiXtet is on MinMax Music.

Artist (photo by Photographer)