2010: 60X60 2009 International Video Mix
(60 one minute films by Patrick Liddell featuring 60 composers curated by Vox Novus)
60x60 is a remote concert, film, and dance series creating an environment of many different styles and approaches to contemporary music. With 60 pieces each 60 seconds long from different composers the concert brings a variety of sounds and creativity all put together in a one hour set. The Summit performance will consist of the 2009 60X60 International Film Mix featuring a wide range of new and experimental composers each one minuet long forming a one hour program. Robert Voisey founded Vox Novus in 2000. This organization was created for the purposes of expanding the presence of contemporary music in the public's vision, empowering composers and contemporary musicians to create, produce, and promote their music. Vox Novus does this by the production of concerts, exposure on the Internet, and facilitating networking between professionals. Vox Novus promotes and produces contemporary music using repeatable methods and models that composers can take and use on their own. This way contemporary music can reach an ever wider audience thereby continuing the advancement of culture and art.
Patrick Liddell recently received this Doctor of Music at Northwestern University in Music Composition. His primary instructors have been Jay Alan Yim (Northwestern University, Evanston IL), Chris Mercer (Northwestern), Peter McIlwain (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia), and Steve Heinemann (Bradley University, Peoria IL). His music has been performed by Function Ensemble (London, UK), Monash Gamelan Ensemble (Melbourne), pLAy Ensemble (Los Angeles, CA), Vox Novus (NYC, NY), Third Coast Percussion Ensemble (Chicago, IL), and many other chamber and popular groups. His art is a combination of music and video (video being the visual counterpart to the temporality of sound), and in a postmodern idiom attempts to combine popular, art, and world musics into a “unified disassociation”. His most recent project, Arrow To The Sun, is a multi-dimensional fractal-art piece that fuses music, video, taste, touch, smell, and thought to evoke an anti-narrative of spiritual enlightenment.

Artist (photo by Photographer)