2008: Different Strokes
string duets with Yehudit & Beth Snellings
Two classically trained and jazz savvy string players stretch the bounds of their instruments to create a unique approach. Formed in the spring of 2000, Different Strokes has performed at venues around the SF Bay Area, including the Old First Church Concert Series, San Francisco Arts Festival, SIMM series, People in Plazas Series, Canvas Gallery, The Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival; The Berkeley Art Center, Bird’s Nest Jazz Series, and the Healdsburg Society for Music and Art to name a few. Different Strokes is also on the performance roster of Bread and Roses, Inc.
Violinist Yehudit (pronounced “yeah who DEET”) has made a place for herself in the forefront of the jazz scene, demonstrating that the electric violin, in her hands, is a convincing and innovative jazz instrument. The artists she has appeared with include John Handy, Dan Hicks, Walter Savage, Denise Perrier, and Jules Broussard. In May of 2007, Yehudit resigned her long-time position with the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra in order to devote her full energies to performance and composition.
Beth Snellings, cellist, has been performing in the San Francisco Bay Area for the past 20 years. Her performing experience spans such musically diverse contexts as symphony orchestras, musical theatre, television, chamber music ensembles, jazz combos and new music groups. Beth’s credits include performances at the 2007 San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival (Charya Burt Cambodian Dance Company), a European tour of “West Side Story,” performances with the Austin Willacy Band and the San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra. She was also the music director of “Funky Fitness”, a TV show produced in San Francisco.

Artist (photo by Photographer)