2008: 15 Degrees Below Zero
Daniel Blomquiest, Michael Addison Mersereau, Mark Wilson
15 Degrees Below Zero began recording material for their third full length CD (second on Edgetone) in February of 2008. Unlike the material from their previous CD ("New Travel"), which was mainly recorded as structured compositions before large amounts of reconstruction took place in the editing stages, this new material is initially being recorded as extended improvisations. Their performance at the Summit will continue to play with ideas presented during these recording sessions, and in turn, the performance will produce new ideas that will be used during the actual piecing together of the new CD, steps that will include cut-ups, recontextualization of recorded layers, processing, and other editing -- as well as additional recording.
“15 Degrees Below Zero is a majestic and often cinematic work, its colors produced both from sampled and live sound.” —Mike Wood, Music Emissions

Artist (photo by Photographer)