2007: Nihil Communication & Laurie Buenafe Krsmanovic
Nihil Communication is dark and droning sound sculptures that evolve slowly over time. Nihil Communication may be comprised of Tom Nunn’s T-Rodimba, synthesizer/s, percussion and digital effects.
Laurie Buenafe Krsmanovic is a performance artist with eclectic influences. Her music background includes Balkan Singing and Jazz Composition. She trained in Central Asian Dance with Carolyn Krueger and Viloyat Akilova, People's Artist of Uzbekistan. Additionally she studied Egyptian Dance with Sahra C. Kent, and Japanese Butoh Dance with Judith Kajiwara, Don McLeod, and Shinichi Iova-Koga. Currently she is a member of Likha Pilipino Folk Ensemble and Alleluia Panis Dance Theater. She is excited to be collaborating with Nihil Communication again.

Artist (photo by Photographer)