2007: Lance Grabmiller
Born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1975, Lance Grabmiller studied viola, cello, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone and music composition (in that order) before putting all formal studies on hold with the discovery of his first four track tape recorder at the age of 14. Using various tapes, effects, objects, microphones, amplifiers, razor blades and any instruments that could be begged or borrowed, he created quite a din in the Midwest, most notably in his collaborations with Shannon Fields which included such bands as Alice's Offspring, Requiem (which included a revolving cast of dozens) and HSoA (with Martin Nieznanski), the last of which culminated in a gigantic performance noise nightmare that nearly destroyed the Gizmo in Galesburg, IL in 1994.
In 1998, after working on tape-wrecks and selling off every instrument he owned in his bedroom, he ventured to move his music concrete into the computer realm. It all went downhill from there. He worked as producer with various elements of the Midwest's dark-ambient and industrial scenes (including remixes and collaborations with Paved in Skin and C17H19N03) until his relocation to San Francisco in 2001.
In 2002, Lance's first CD was released. Titled "Anthropology" and assembled by John Bergin of various tracks completed between 1999 and 2001, hovering between the various influences of Pierre Henry, Morton Subotnik and the then dying "Glitch" and "Drum n Bass" factions of electronic music. Currently producing and currating events throughout the Bay Area while trying to straddle the gap between the "avant-garde" and the "electronic". He has played in improvisational groups with Ernesto Diaz-Infante, Rent Romus, Philip Gelb, Joseph Zitt, LX Rudis, Dina Emerson and many more. He has also opened for such notable electronic acts as Kid606, Sagan, Wobbly, Uprock and Meg Lee Chin among others.

Artist (photo by Photographer)