2006: The Crank Ensemble
The Crank Ensemble performs using hand-cranked instruments made by Larnie Fox. Each has a contact microphone (piezo) mounted on it so it can be amplified. The crank is the mechanical version of a loop. By using cranks, we are able to create rhythmic and repetitive patterns easily. We can alter the sound by altering the crank's speed and direction, and we can also use plucking and scratching. By working in an ensemble, we can create layers of sound.
The resulting sounds are surprisingly pleasing. They can range from sparse new-music style "plinking" to melodic loopiness to hardcore noise.
The Crank Ensemble has performed at the Garden of Memory, the Luggage Store, and for Other Minds' BRINK series at the Hemlock Tavern in San Francisco. We two very good CDs and you can listen to a nice chunk online. At last count, The Crank Ensemble includes a rotating roster of Bodil Fox, Lena Strayhorn, Chris Miller, Keith Nomura, Patricia Ravara, Eugene Chen, Adam Shraft, Matt Davignon, Mark Brest van Kempen, Aaron Ximm, Brownwyn Ximm, Kevin Mathieu, Vicki Olds, Molli Simon, Mary Behm, and Hugh Steinberg.

Artist (photo by Photographer)