2006: E. Doctor Smith & Eric Dahlman
Drummer and percussionist E. Doctor Smith has been performing and recording since 1973. His impressive performance history has brought him to record with pop icons Bryan Eno & Madonna while keeping to the roots of sonic exploration with local groups and artists such as Henry Kaiser, Charles Unger, and Feat of Clay.
His invention, The Drummstick is a percussion controller that he invented in June of 1995. It utilizes his patented design created with drumming and percussion in mind. With the Drummstick and a MIDI drum module, he is able to access a variety of musical, and digital sounds including Samples, Chords, Drum kits, World Instruments, Sound Effects, and more.
In 2002 he moved to San Francisco, and today performs with a variety of eclectic musicians; Bay Area saxophonist Charles Unger, hip-hop artists Nyambezi Holman, the electronic hip-hop combo, Triple Ave., Montana's Wilbur Rehmann Quartet, Mathias Mederer and Ubi Whitaker's Blues 9000, a reformation of his Drummstick and Feat of Clay groups with John Moremen, as well as his ongoing projects with writer and poet Robert Anbian.
Boston based Eric Dahlman, has studied jazz composition with Anthony Davis and Dave Frank and trumpet with the National Symphony's principal trumpeter Steve Hendricksen.Dahlman has performed with Chicago's late great free jazz icon Hal Russell and his NRG Ensemble, performance artist and sound artist Jed Speare, Boston's Aardvark Jazz Orchestra and in various ensembles with E Doctor Smith including the recent reunion of Bangtime and Feat of Clay here in SF.He is currently finishing his second ambient solo CD in addition to a solo free improv trumpet recording entitled 'Spit Valve'.Dahlman appears on the recent Leo Records CD by the Aardvark Jazz Orchestra 'Trumpet Madness'which features other free wheeling trumpeters including Greg Kelley, Taylor Ho Bynum and Raj Mehta. Eric's new hybred horn to be used at the music summit is the Trident trumpet inspired by Dahlman seeing a photo of a 1920's “saxophone trumpet” and built by instrument builder Erik Nugent.

Artist (photo by Photographer)