2002: Tri-Cornered Tent Show
Phillip Everett: drums/percussion/electro-mallets
Ray Shaeffer: 6 string fretless bass
Andre Custodio: electronics/pocket trumpet
Almost everyday in the news there are stories about how a group of scientists after so many decades of painstaking research and work create a new drug or make new discoveries, but how many times does one read about a group of musicians that have done the same thing?
A trio of experimental and improvisational musicians called the Tri-Cornered Tent Show has done just that. It has taken them the last part of the last century (25 years to be exact) of dedicated practice, research, and patience that brings them to announce the release of “Maze Above the Abyss”, “Tri-Cornered Tent Show”, and “Beneath the Mountains of Madness” all encased in 3 compact discs.
The musical journey began with initial tracks being recorded using the ancient anti-deluvian technology of electronics from the 70’s. Though methodical deciphering of the Lovcraft short story “The music of Eric Zann”, other related stories expanded upon Lovecraft’s Greater Cthulu Mythos they began recording free improvisation and orchestrated sound sculpture over those 25 years to create the projects now available on the new bay area label Edgetone Records.
Now, they come out from their exile held up in a well-insulated dank little studio in the depths of Richmond California. By the shear force of will and their dedication to the world of improvisation, they have a unique set of music to merit them worthy of attention. In a world of pop can music they could teach a class in patience and creation.

Artist (photo by Photographer)